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The Source Pure Cardrona Gin 750ml

Multi award winning 'The Source' Gin is forged by the four seasons that blow through the Cardrona Valley, Southern Alps, New Zealand. A natural matrix of locally foraged rosehip, together with traditional juniper, coriander seed, angelica root, lemon and orange zest, vapour-distilled into their Single Malt Spirit. Non-Chill filtered, a mark of distinction for this special drop.

Twelfth Hour Dry Gin 700ml

Twelfth Hour Distillery was born from a desire to combine fresh, tantalizing, and exotic botanicals from around the globe with premium New Zealand gin. They utilise a small batch distillation process, which ensures handcrafted premium quality every time. After 22 iterations uniting global botanicals with the powerful makrut (kaffir lime) Twelfth Hour Dry Gin has a clean, crisp aroma on the nose. An initial hit of makrut on the tongue leads into a long dry finish that sees the revitalizing taste linger on the palate. A punchy gin perfect for summer, though crafted to be enjoyed all year round. Team it up with your favourite tonic then immerse a bruised Kaffir lime leaf to enhance the lead botanical or garnish with a ribbon of cucumber for a refreshing twist.

Victor Gin 700ml

Heavy botanical style gin, hand crafted at the Thomson distillery. Juniper, citrus, lemongrass, cardamom and coriander - all delicious flavour tones, uniquely decipherable, that hum together with nowhere to hide.

Victor Gin Blanc de Blancs 700ml

A seasonal release, celebrating the Chardonnay grape harvest of 2021. With this limited edition bottling it has combined the original Victor Gin botanicals; juniper, lemon, lemon grass, cardamom and coriander, with the fruity, delicate flavour of fresh chardonnay grape must. The distillery is located in one of NZ's oldest wine regions, North West of Auckland. The region is famous for its Chardonnay, so it seemed only fitting that they pay homage to this grape. Champagne made from only Chardonnay is referred to as 'Blanc de Blancs' or white of whites.

Victor Gin Lime Leaf 700ml

In this edition of Victor Gin, Thomson have introduced makrut lime leaf. You'll get all the original Victor Gin botanicals; juniper, lemon, lemongrass, cardamom and coriander; with fresh makrut lime leaf loud in the mix.

Whitley Neill Blackberry Gin 700ml

Containing a smooth flavour, with a core of delicious, piney juniper followed by zesty sweet citrus and hints of wonderful black pepper. The finish has a little earthiness alongside the warming spice of cassia.

Whitley Neill Original Dry Gin 700ml

The exceptional Whitley Neill Original Handcrafted Dry Gin was created by Johnny Neill, a direct descendant of a long line of distillers. Inspired by his family's sense of adventure, Johnny strove to create his own signature blend of gin: a tribute to his English distilling heritage, and an homage to the enigmatic beauty of his wife's South African homeland.

Whitley Neill Quince Gin 700ml

The distinctive flavour of quince dominates the palate, giving way to the sweetness of apricots and peaches, with a long, fruity finish that opens out into orange blossoms and zesty grapefruits.

Whitley Neill Raspberry Gin 700ml

An initial and distinct juniper, coriander and liquorice flavour that gives way to a bright, fresh vibrant taste of Scottish raspberries. A perfectly balanced Gin with a delicate, fruity taste and a lasting citrus, raspberry flavour.

Yankee Gin Spirit 1 Litre

Easy drinking Gin spirit best served with a mixer.

Yen Gin 750ml

YEN Gin has undergone years of refining and perfecting by an award-winning mixologist turned Gin connoisseur to develop a balanced drink. YEN Gin is a premium spirit made with the finest quality of carefully selected locally foraged botanicals to procure a superior tasting Gin. YEN Gin is distilled at an artisanal spirits workshop in Christchurch, New Zealand and is produced in small batches.
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