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Frangelico Hazelnut Liqueur 700ml

Frangelico tantalises the senses with a rich hazelnut flavour that comes from the tonda gentile hazelnuts of Southern Piedmont. They are bigger, plumper and more uniform. Perfect for toasting and without a bitter taste, giving Frangelico its surprising golden sweetness.

Galliano Amaretto 500ml

Galliano Amaretto is a rich and especially well-balanced. The bitter almond flavour is obtained by mixing the pure essence of bitter almonds with essential oils of geranium, rose and orris. Besides the familiar marzipan and bitter almond flavour, it contains hints of roasted cacao beans and Madagascar vanilla. The subtle note of sweet and sour cherries comes from the flesh and stones of the fruit. The distillate is left to age for a few weeks to develop the sweet, caramel and bitter aromas, which results in the unique feature of Galliano Amaretto.

Galliano Black Liquore Alla Sambuca 700ml

Galliano Sambuca Black is a deep 'Liquore alla Sambuca'. The delicate liqueur gets its colour from blending the original recipe with elderberries, turning the Sambuca liqueur a deep blue almost inky black shade. Quite unusual. The signature aniseed aroma and lingering essential oils, are accompanied by an intense and spicy berry finish. A delicate charmer.

Galliano Sambuca White 700ml

Galliano Sambuca White contains a very rare Chinese star aniseed from South China and North Vietnam. Married with the beautiful flavours of Mediterranean aniseed, fennel and a touch of mint, one captures the distinctive aroma of Galliano Sambuca White. To complete the bouquet, a variety of botanical essential oils is added, leaving a subtle sensation on the palate.

Galliano Vanilla 500ml

Galliano Vanilla contains the heart of Galliano L'Autentico, including Mediterranean anise, cardamom lavender, peppermint, and cinnamon. However, some prefer the taste of a strong tone of vanilla. Therefore a fragrant vanilla distillate of the highest quality has been added to the Galliano base to create Galliano Vanilla. Galliano Vanilla has a round scent, a sweet vanilla flavour. This pronounced aroma in our vanilla liqueur offers versatility in cocktails while retaining Galliano's unmistakable character.

Galliano Vanilla 700ml

Galliano Vanilla contains the heart of Galliano L'Autentico, including Mediterranean anise, cardamom lavender, peppermint, and cinnamon. However, some prefer the taste of a strong tone of vanilla. Therefore a fragrant vanilla distillate of the highest quality has been added to the Galliano base to create Galliano Vanilla. Galliano Vanilla has a round scent, a sweet vanilla flavour. This pronounced aroma in our vanilla liqueur offers versatility in cocktails while retaining Galliano's unmistakable character.

Gancia Extra Dry Vermouth 1 Litre

An exceptional pre-dinner option with a dry and delicate taste. The perfect option when creating dry cocktails or enjoy it straight with a squeeze of lemon.

Gancia Rosso Vermouth 1 Litre

Caramelised sweet taste yet pleasantly bitter. An ideal base for many pre-dinner and after-dinner drinks.

Glayva Whisky Liqueur 500ml

A carefully selected fusion of exotic spices, tangerines, almonds and honey. This award winning nectar warms your heard and indulges your senses. Enjoy this supreme liquid on its own, over ice or as a mixed long drink.

Good George Festive Cream Liqueur 700ml

Perhaps it was the rolling green hills of the Waikato, or just Good George's endless curiosity for crafting something special that lead us to this truly incredible combination of fresh NZ cream and triple distilled vodka. You'll find a clever balance of vodka and cream, with hints of chocolate, vanilla and butterscotch. Enjoy this over ice, or mix it into a creamy cocktail of your choice. Forget the Irish stuff, go Kiwi this Christmas and celebrate festivities with this special drop.

Good George Lucky Limoncello 700ml

Only New Zealand's finest lemons could make a Limoncello this unique and distinctive, both smooth and sweet with intense lemony flavours. Best served chilled or top with prosecco and soda for ultimate summer spritz.

Grand Marnier Cordon Rouge Orange & Cognac Liqueur 700ml

The history of Cordon Rouge is inextricably linked to that of Grand Marnier. One day, Louis-Alexandre had the inspiration to blend cognac, the finest of all spirits and the pride of southwestern France since the seventeenth century, with aromatic orange essence. He took more than a decade to create, improve, and refine the liqueur that the world would one day know as Grand Marnier Cordon Rouge liqueur. It was 1880 when the legend was born. The powerful and complex aromas and flavours of Cordon Rouge are perfect for grand cocktails, taking them to a more sophisticated level, straying from conventional luxury with a creative, unique and refined twist.
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