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The Butcher's Cellar Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

The Butcher's Cellar is a range of wines that will match perfectly with your favourite cuts. Whether it's steak, BBQ ribs or chicken, they've taken the guess work out, and developed the perfect wine that will match all your favourite cuts. Indulge yourself and your guests to a bloody good experience.

The Butcher's Cellar Malbec 750ml

The Butcher's Cellar is a range of wines that will match perfectly with your favourite cuts. Whether it's steak, BBQ ribs or chicken, they've taken the guess work out, and developed the perfect wine that will match all your favourite cuts. Indulge yourself and your guests to a bloody good experience.

The Butcher's Cellar Shiraz 750ml

The Butcher's Cellar is a range of wines that will match perfectly with your favourite cuts. Whether it's steak, BBQ ribs or chicken, they've taken the guess work out, and developed the perfect wine that will match all your favourite cuts. Indulge yourself and your guests to a bloody good experience.

The Clyde by Rockburn Pinot Noir 750ml

In your wine glass this stunning Central Otago Pinot Noir is vibrant with ruby red and purple hues. On the noses you'll find fresh dark cherries, hints of spice and an elegant waft of thyme. The palate again rich with Central Otago cherries and nuances of chocolate, intertwined with wild thyme and alluring earthy notes.

The Hidden Sea Pinot Grigio 750ml

A bright white, vegan Pinot Grigio with green edges. Fresh aromatic characters of green apple, pineapple, and honeydew. An expressive palate with crisp fresh characters of pear and pineapple with some hints of honey before finishing with a note of crisp apple acid. For every case of the hidden sea sold, they remove and recycle the equivalent of 60 plastic bottles from the ocean.

The Last Shepherd Chardonnay 750ml

A classic Gisborne Chardonnay - full bodied with loads of lovely toasty, buttery flavours.

The Last Shepherd Pinot Noir 750ml

A classic Central Otago style Pinot, named after the original shepherds that slogged it out on Otago's high country sheep stations. Match with game meats.

The Last Shepherd Syrah 750ml

This is your classic Hawke's Bay Syrah with dark berry fruit flavours with a touch of spicy goodness - at a smart price, a snip under twenty bucks.

The Ned Chardonnay 750ml

Right in the heart of the magical Waihopai Valley, a million miles from anywhere, lies The Ned, one of Marlborough's most famous peaks. The Ned Chardonnay - A fruit driven Chardonnay with white nectarine and loquat aromas elevated by notes of vanilla, cinnamon and lightly toasted brioche. The palate is plush and creamy from the near full malolactic conversion, swathed in warm French oak spice with fine acid tension on the finish.

The Ned Pinot Gris 750ml

Right in the heart of the magical Waihopai Valley, a million miles from anywhere, lies The Ned, one of Marlborough's most famous peaks. The Ned Pinot Gris - Uniquely salmon pink in colour, displaying juicy aromas of nectarine and white peach with underlining nuances of spice. The palate is lush and bright with juicy white peach flavours supported by spicy poached pear. This leads to an unctuous length stemming from vibrant Marlborough ripeness.

The Ned Pinot Noir 750ml

Right in the heart of the magical Waihopai Valley, a million miles from anywhere, lies The Ned, one of Marlborough's most famous peaks. The Ned Pinot Noir - Delicious aromas of wild strawberry, raspberry liquorice and dried oregano with a fragrant all spice lift. The fleshy, sweet-fruited palate boasts opulent tannins, notes of smoky French oak and a long juicy finish.

The Ned Rosé 750ml

Right in the heart of the magical Waihopai Valley, a million miles from anywhere, lies The Ned, one of Marlborough's most famous peaks. The Ned Rosé - Delicate aromas of strawberries and cream enhanced by ripe red fruits is supported by a light floral lift. Plush and refreshing on the palate with fine, silky tannins accentuated by summer fruits with an orange citrus finish.
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